tell my mom i love her. hahahaha. Okay, a few more moments and i'd be off to defend my country or rather learn how to defend my country. Field camp's starting tmr and it's gonna be the highlight of BMT and i sure hope i'd survive this without needing to report sick or anything.
It's gonna be tough both physically and mentally but it'd be quite an experience, sleeping in tents and holes, putting camo cream on your face everyday, crawling around and stuff. Ahhh i just hope the shagness of it all wont pull me down and turn me selfish or worst still, a raging mad man. It's simply too easy to go into rage mode and getting angry at people who seem so blur and selfish sometimes. Sure hope everyone would cooperate and work together as a platoon so we wouldnt get tekan like crazy and swim in mud pools.
God save us all!