Monday, May 5, 2008


It feels kinda weird but at the same time cool to hear sermons by someone who had already died. And you know what? God still can use those sermons to speak and poke. I guess it's what they call, leaving behind a legacy.

I've been hearing a lot on Leonald Ravenhill and all i've gotta say that, i'm convicted of so many things. It's like a great awakening at this point, to really measure up myself against the truth of God's standards and i cant help but find myself like a dwarf against His standards.

I think one of the biggest lesson i've learnt or have been really convicted of is how serious am i towards sin. Oh yes i hate sin, it makes me feel bad and guity and makes me dont wanna see God. But what should really be the reason to hate sin? "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY." There, nice and big right from the Word of God, and i've been oblivion to it or rather ignorant to it.

It's like that commercial from that radio station bout "hearing only the good stuff". How often do i read the Bible and go thru a certain verse like this, "God is love", and i'm all cuddly inside as i think bout His love, but when i go thru something like "go and sin no more", i'm like "okay, next line". It didnt hit me at all, that's the very thing Jesus commanded, to go and sin no more. He didn't say "go, try not to sin anymore" or "go and sin less", but "go and sin no more", fullstop. He sure is serious bout sin, so serious that He came to die for us that we may be set free.

I'm sure God is love, if not why would He ever send His Son to die for our sins? But is it always true that God loves the sinner but hates the sin? I think i still have to ask God prayerfully about that and to really go thru the scriptures on it. But one thing i'm sure of, it's wrong when that becomes an excuse for us to go about sinning thinking that God still loves us for that.

"Look ma, i'm sorry i was playing soccer in a muddy field and i got all my shirt dirtied with mud, i promise i wont do it again". "It's alright son, i'll wash it for you. *smiles*" And the Mom hands over a nicely washed shirt to that boy. The boy with his nicely washed shirt saw his football in the same muddy field and said,"Oh i cant resist it! I've just gotta kick that ball". Little did he know that his mom is right there looking. Now, I wonder how his mother felt? A hint of anger perhaps?

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