Sunday, December 21, 2008

Discouraged but Moving On.

Worship today was a blast. It's been so long(couple of weeks or more perhaps?) since i encountered God in communal worship and i really thank God for anointing Clarence as he led today. It's awesome isnt it? To approach a God whose not "dead" but able to give such life to everyone who would humble himself to receive from the Him. Ahh if only this unworthy servant would be more fervent and loyal.

Anyhow, the things that are going on in the youth ministry are not exactly edifying nor encouraging. Nope it's not the teachings nor the leaders, but us, the sheeps. Mehhhh~. I'm incredibly sadden on so many occasions that i just cant help but weep. Oh, not forgetting that i've to plead for mercy time to time for judging people. However i consider it to be a good opportunity to be moulded in this area heh heh, quit judging and start lovin'. What a hard thing to do though..

Any sane man with any bit of a relationship with God would be discouraged. But i guess that same man with that bit of a relationship with God just cant stay that discouraged forever, because the God he's serving aint a dead God and certainly not one that does nothing about the sheeps that are going astray. Yea and God would certainly use all the hands and feets from all the people He can get to poke those who aint doing so well.

Ahh but this unworthy servant still has lotsa rough edges to be smoothened. This tool still has to sit on the anvil for a while more, sharpened and shaped by the Blacksmith into something He can use. The tool's gettin abit impatient (and in that process a few more rough edges popped out) but the Blacksmith know when it's gonna be ready. Yea i'm so reminded of why God wanted me to stay, it's to "go thru some things". It's exciting. I know i'm looking forward. Though it's not very clear with this fog of discouragement. But i can see a pair of big hands doing some big things and i wanna be part of that ...

and you know something? "It's always the dead that needs reviving..." - by me (someone else probably said this before but i've not encountered that yet).

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