Saturday, October 6, 2007

Jesus Wept.

I really must thank God for the journey so far thru His word. It's been quite a change ever since i started reading the Word of God with expectations. Just finished the gospel of John and getting on with Matthew and so far it's been great! It's so much different from the last couple of times i've read the gospel. But then again i guess it is different every time you read the Word of God over and over again. You'll always learn something new.

In John what probably struck me the most this time round was just this 2 words. Jesus wept. Its in John 11:35. Just by this 2 words many questions popped out of my mind. I've always imagined weeping as crying bitterly and now if i imagine Jesus crying bitterly, i cant help but to realize how soft and full of compassion He is. At the first glance, I was like wow, you mean Jesus cried? The more i look at those 2 words the more thoughts came to my mind. Thank God for a couple of personal revelations too.

The second main question was, "Who was Lazarus to Jesus?", "is he just a friend?". In the whole of John 11, all i can see is that Jesus loved them, Mary, her sister, Martha and their brother Lazarus who died. In John 11:36, the Jews said, "See how He loved him!". So this tells me there was much love(agapei) in it.

We were once enemies of God but by the saving grace of Jesus Christ, we've become friends of God. Friends that He loves. Will Jesus cry for us? I certainly think so! Every time we walk out on Him, I guess He sheds a tear for us, not a tear of disappointment, nor a tear of hurt but a tear of love.

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