B.O.M.G (4)
So the day came. The day God impressed upon my heart. Youth Evangelistic service 29/3/08. I admit i could've prayed more, shared more, encouraged more, fasted more, cried more, love more, yeah i could have done all those but wont it be of my own strength? I've done all that i felt God wanted me to do, but one thing I've done wrong. I forgot all about God's sovereign will, His supreme control over all, His perfect timing and plan, all fogged up by my desire for results.
Street Evangelism was great. We managed to share with lots of youths in Junction 8. But somewhere deep in me was shouting out that it was a failure because we did not manage to get anyone back to the service. Of course i was discouraged and disappointed, I just kept telling the Lord in my heart, "Lord, let there not be an empty altar!" That was the fear that kept hindering me. I really really did not want to see a Evangelistic Service with a empty altar.
It was during worship, i was asking God, "God! why did You put this day in my heart and yet it turned out this way? I thought You're gonna move so mightily!" However i've been thru this before. I know it was no reason for me to be disappointed with God, so i chose surrender. Thank God i've lerant, or else i'll still be in deep frustration.
1 soul was saved. I was the counselor for him and i thank God for such a receptive heart. During dinner, Jasmine spoke to me about today's street e and i told her how i felt. God used her to make it clear to me that i've been desiring results, that's why i was discouraged and disappointed. It was true, as i look upon it now. "I want God to save many people" "I want to see God move so mightily", and more "I wants". Though the desires were right, it became wrong when i forced it upon God's sovereign will. I want to see the results that i've imagined, which may well not be God's plans. I repented.
God did moved in the hearts of His people. I came back to the sanctuary late because i was counseling the new believer and i was immediately pulled into God's presence. I know that God revived the fire in our hearts once again but how long till we let busy schedules and worldly living fog it up? Will we humble themselves and pray and turn away from our worldly ways? Then only will He forgive and heal our land.
"Son, if there is only 1 salvation today will you still believe that I've moved mightily?"