B.O.M.G (3)
Thank God.
I just shared the gospel with a group of secondary school (sec 3) kids who were hanging out at Paya Lebar Community Centre at Kovan. There was a free pool table there and they were there playing. I prayed and wonder what should i do or begin with. Guess it's gonna be that typical questions again but since the group's rather big (around 7 or 8) , i made it into a survey! "So if you were to get involved with an accident tonight, where would you go?".
Haha it was quite funny tho, they were a bunch of easy going kids, "Wah you curse us arh!" lol! However it's the question that will always get people thinking. Then i proceeded with my other questions, like "Do you know who Jesus Christ is?" and "What's your definition of love?". They were a bit distracted tho =( some continued to play pool, some talking on phone and others making fun of me (especially this guy that kept talking back at me haha). However there's always one or two that are listening to me so seriously and keep the others in attention. Thank God for them. I continued to share about God's love and Jesus as a friend that wouldn't leave you forever.
They didn't seem so interested and were getting really impatient. "So any questions?" "Nooooooo..." "Okay so, i can say that all of you want to accept Christ?" *Silence* "Then what's holding you back?" I didn't expect any answer because i just felt that i was just there to invite them for Saturday's Youth Evangelistic service. So i asked that and somehow they were already in a hurry to leave. Then this guy which kept making fun of me and talking back at me asked for my number. I just gave it to him, half expecting him to give me prank calls in the middle of the night.
Well, i was really kinda dejected. So i was just sitting there asking God, "Is this generation worth crying for?". I felt kinda dumb now asking that kind of question because God's answer will always be yes. He loved us so much, that He sent His one and only begotten Son to die for us, how can He not care for this generation? Nevertheless, i was down all the way till i get home.
Then a amazing thing happen, that boy SMSed me! and asked me what time will the service be starting. He said that he will try to come. WOW lol like i was expecting to be prank called or something and now this happened. PRAISE the LORD for such surprises!
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