Like all parents from asian culture, my parents wouldn't praise me for anything good that i've done. Most often, i find them talking humbly about me when i became a topic of discussion in their conversations with relatives and neighbours. But praise the Lord for i have such loving parents though they dont really show their love to me openly.
Today was my self-declared Slack Day. After working like crazee for 3 weeks non-stop, i find myself so drained. Especially the last week when our team's game is coming together which was one of the toughest part of all. Starting work at 9 and ending at 9 at night, leaves me really tired from all the staring and thinking of codes. Once home, tiredness always seems to grab hold of me and i found myself falling asleep during my quiet time. Drained dry and spiritually weaken, i was like a living zombie like the rest of my other team mates. We even had to stay over at our friend's house on the last day before presentation to finish debugging our game. Thank God we managed to complete the game on time. Presentation was great. The teachers seemed impressed and i just received news that they have interest in our game and will be calling us back next monday.
Ahh though the game's been a success, i knew that i sacrificed most of my time with God to put more effort into it. Thursday was the presentation and yet to me it was a day of thanksgiving to God for sustaining me throughout the weeks. Though i found myself dried up, i knew God was there protecting me and His grace ever surrounding me which gave me enough strength to stand up against the enemies daily.
Okay. That was kinda a big side track. back to Slack day. So i was doing chores for my parents today cause they asked me to. Well back in the old days i could have probably rebelled and not do them at all. But praise the Lord, I did chores today without complains. Well, hadn't the Lord called us to honour our parents? In my little obedience to my parents i hope i've gave glory to God. They indirectly praised me as they were comparing my sister and me. Yeap i was kinda delighted and encouraged but i was really hoping that they remember that I've told them before that i'll honour them because Jesus told me to. Well, i guess all things start small, may my little actions of obedience to them show them the transformation which is happening in me.
Praise the Lord!
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