Sunday, July 12, 2009

Can the Joshua Generation Please Stand UP?

Observed today's extra-ordinary general meeting and i'm quite disappointed and discouraged. It seems to me that people treasured their own opinions and views over what God might actually have for us? Do people actually think and pray before they voice their views? Are they not at all afraid that they'd be held accountable to God on Judgment Day?

Is it just gonna be a new building? I'd rather we all get new hearts. If we moved there with such a lousy heart attitude, the new building would just be an shell, devoid of TRUE WORSHIPERS. Where's the heart of expectancy? If people would've prayed 30 seconds a day for the church, they would've felt that God is going to do something NEW and something really really really AWESOME. Or have we accepted our defeat and gotten comfortable in this pit which stinks of unbelief?

At the end of it, i thought to myself, we are the new generation, if the church would grow, it'd grow thru us. I wanna be a Joshua and lay hold on what God has in store for us!


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