Saturday, July 4, 2009

Faith Simplified.

Learned something really important regarding faith.

Take a bank that has been established for 150 years by men of proven integrity and another just 3 days by 3 rich crooks. Which one would you put your money in? Which of these you put your money in, therein your faith lies.

You're at the side of a gushing river, there before you lies 2 bridges, one broken wooden one with lots of holes and termites and another, a solid concrete bridge complete with steel railings and lamp posts. Which one would you choose to walk on? Which of these you choose to walk on, therein your faith lies.

Faith isn't (and shouldn't be) churned out of me. It's simply based on the "options" (there's probably a better word since i have a limited vocabulary XD) that is before us. Which one would we deem reliable? God or ourselves?

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